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Event venue - LETŇANY

PVA EXPO PRAHA Among the World's Top!

The PVA EXPO PRAHA trade fair complex has become a member of the prestigious international Global Association of the Exhibition Industry UFI, thereby confirming its strong position in the trade fair industry within Central Europe.



The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry UFI, of which PVA EXPO PRAHA has been a member since February 10 in the Trade Fair Area category, brings together organizers of world trade fairs and operators of exhibition centres, exhibition associations and selected partners in this sector from almost ninety countries around the world.


Our exhibition centre, as well as its parent company ABF, a.s., have, with this decision during the association's annual meeting, ranked among the most prestigious players in the trade fair industry, at an international level. "This decision is a great moment for us, because it gives our partners, exhibitors and visitors a clear signal about the high standard of trade fairs at PVA EXPO PRAHA and the quality of facilities for a wide portfolio of events offered by the most modern exhibition area in the Czech Republic," said Martin František Přívetivý, CEO of ABF, a.s.

Nomenclature - FOR THERM

  • 3.        FOR THERM
  • 3.1.    Boilers
  • 3.1.1.    Automatic pellet boilers
  • 3.1.2.    Solid fuel boilers
  • 3.1.3.    Gaseous fuel boilers
  • 3.1.4.    Oil boilers
  • 3.1.5.    Condensing boilers
  • 3.1.6.    Boilers with electric heating
  • 3.1.7.    Biomass boilers
  • 3.1.8.    Wood gas boilers
  • 3.1.9.    Production of pellets and briquettes from wooden chips or farming plants
  • 3.1.10.    Biomass production equipment
  • 3.2.    Stoves, fireplaces, fireplace inserts
  • 3.2.1.    Fireplace and tile stoves
  • 3.2.2.    Solid fuel stoves
  • 3.2.3.    Talk accumulation stoves
  • 3.2.4.    Cast-iron stoves
  • 3.2.5.    Pellet stoves
  • 3.2.6.    Biomass fireplace stoves
  • 3.2.7.    Gas fireplaces
  • 3.2.8.    Hot water fireplaces
  • 3.2.9.    Pellet fireplaces
  • 3.2.10.    Compact fireplaces
  • 3.2.11.    Chimney-free fireplaces, bio fireplaces
  • 3.2.12.    Electric fireplaces
  • 3.2.13.    Fireplace building blocks
  • 3.2.14.    Wood and coal kitchen ranges
  • 3.2.15.    Garden grills and furnaces
  • 3.3.    Accessories for fireplaces and stoves
  • 3.3.1.    Hot water exchangers
  • 3.3.2.    Chimney systems, flue gas ducts
  • 3.3.3.    Construction and lining of chimneys
  • 3.3.4.    Smoke flue systems, air distribution systems, chimney extensions
  • 3.3.5.    Fireplace shaped blocks, fireplace sheathing
  • 3.3.6.    Building material for fireplaces, insulation panels, fire-resistant material
  • 3.3.7.    Decorative elements, cornices, ornaments
  • 3.3.8.    Fireplace and stove cleaning agents
  • 3.3.9.    Fireplace grilles, pedestals under fireplaces
  • 3.3.10.    Sale, production, distribution of fuel and fireplace wood
  • 3.3.11.    Services
  • 3.3.12.    Technical assistance, servicing, assembly work and inspections


The New Partner of Our Fairs Is Škoda Auto a.s.

All visitors to the fair events of ABF, a.s. they will meet significant news from September! At each trade fair, they will be able to view the latest Škoda Auto cars in detail. We are very happy that we have established a partnership with this popular Czech car company, which is currently placing more and more emphasis on sustainability and ecology. The partnership will allow us to further strengthen our role as a leader in trade fairs and innovation. If, like us, you are looking forward to the biggest show of new Škoda cars at the PVA EXPO PRAHA exhibition center, then you should definitely not miss the e-Salon, which will take place from 7 to 10 November.



Cancel of trade fair

Plan of exhibition area FOR PASIV 2020

FOR THERM – a great opportunity to educate yourself

Exhibitors as well as specialists and experts will be ready to give advice and to answer all questions concerning heating and low-energy housing. Within accompanying program you can enjoy lectures on current topics. Visitors might discuss a right choice of suitable heating source as professional associations are willing to help them at the FOR THERM 2020 trade fair in Prague.

Introduction of FOR THERM 2020 trade fair

FOR THERM is trade fair focused on stoves, fireplaces and boilers, oriented on end customers.


Together with 2 concurrent fairs – FOR PASIV and FOR WOOD, it is the most important spring event in the area of heating, alternatives sources and ventilation. The visitor of the fair might enjoy a complete offer of heating and low-energy housing.

The deadline for discounted prices of exhibition area is on 31 May 2017

The 28th FOR ARCH international trade fair currently experiences unprecedented demand on the part of exhibitors. With 80% of exhibition area already sold, exhibitors now have the last chance to register for this most important event of the construction industry in the Czech Republic. The deadline for discounted prices of exhibition are is on 31 May 2017. Book your place now and become part of an international event that will help you present your products to the Czech and Central-European markets. Contact us through the contact form HERE.


New things waiting for you within FOR ARCH 2017

This year’s edition of the International Building Trade Fair FOR ARCH, which is the largest event of this type in the Czech Republic, was extraordinarily successful again. Altogether 841 exhibitors presented their expositions there, 67 of them coming from abroad from 15 countries of the world, and the number of visitors thus exceeded the limit of 71,000 persons. This success would not have been possible without involvement of our long-term partners, and therefore we would like to express our thanks for the demonstrated support to the general partner of the trade fair, the ČEZ Group, to the car manufacturing company FORD for official cars of the trade fair, to the organisations and other institutions which provided their auspices for the event, as well as to all our professional and media partners. At the same time we would like to express our great thanks also to all visitors whose support is at the same time a great challenge for us in the future as well.

FOR ARCH 2017 to focus on the area of security technology

Nevertheless, the preparations for the next edition of the trade fair are underway already now. The International Building Trade Fair FOR ARCH 2017 will take place from 19 to 23 September at the PVA EXPO PRAGUE Exhibition Centre in Prague-Letňany and will be focused on its new branch dealing with current trends and technologies in the field of security technology, systems of protection of buildings, security services, and last but not least also with the state-of-the-art information technologies and cybernetic protection. Dita Štěpánová has been entrusted with management of this branch. In terms of its content it will replace the FS Days (Prague Fire & Security Days) Trade Fair which has been organised as a part of the FOR ARCH Trade Fair for the last time this year.

Simultaneously held trade fairs will be merged under one brand

Large organisational changes are planned together with the new topic for the next edition of the International Building Trade Fair FOR ARCH as well. This means that the trade fair will not be divided anymore according to traditional branches into the simultaneously held trade fairs FOR STAV, FOR THERM, FOR WOOD and BAZÉNY, SAUNY & SPA, but on the other hand, it will be merged into one whole, which is to bear an umbrella name for all the existing topics. This decision will lead to the strengthening of the FOR ARCH brand on the one hand, and at the same time it will serve for the general public from the viewpoint of making the content of the event organised more transparent. All the accompanying materials will therefore be prepared for visitors in an individual graphic design, which may help, within the framework of the trade fair, to much easier orientation.

The two-day forum under preparation will present the latest building technologies and also their use

Already now you may look forward also to the brand-new two-day TECHNOLOGICAL FORUM, which is to arise in cooperation with the TZB-info portal. This will involve an informal meeting of professionals with representatives of state administration and self-government structures, whose aim is to help municipalities to use modern technologies for savings, development and effective maintenance and to intermediate contacts with technicians, designers and architects. In cooperation with the Ministry for Regional Development, Ministry of Industry and Trade and Ministry of the Environment, at first presentations will be made for various subsidy programmes for subsequent years and then this information will be followed up by leading manufacturers from the field of the building industry, use of water, electrical technologies, security and heating, who are to present the latest technologies and products together with their possible use to investors in short sessions.

Winners of the 2016 GRAND PRIX competition for the best exhibit

The GRAND PRIX competition for the best exhibit, which is organised by the ABF, a. s. company, has taken place at the International Building Trade Fair FOR ARCH 2016 this year as well. The competition was attended by altogether 41 registered products, and after the careful studying of the ground materials and on the basis of presentation of exhibits of the firms in the course of the first day of the trade fair the Jury granted five GRAND PRIX awards and six HONOURABLE MENTIONS without specifying any detailed order.


The criteria assessed during the process of evaluation of the exhibits included not only technical parameters and materials used, but also utilised progressive technologies, energy performance, environmental aspects of the exhibits, and last but not least also the extraordinary quality at an affordable price and application of the product on the market. An innovation of this year’s edition was categorisation of the products registered into the point assessment of quality, known as RABF (Rating by Architecture and Building Foundation), which serves as an objective reference system.


The GRAND PRIX 2016 awards were granted to the following firms:

Bosch Termotechnika, s.r.o. - Buderus Business Division, for the condensing boiler “Buderus Logamax plus GB192iT”. This is a new stationary boiler in a compact design whose front area is manufactured of hardened titanium glass. Its modular structure and easy access to components enable fast assembly as well as maintenance.

FRAJT, s.r.o., for the glass panel with ceramic digital print, a double vision effect representing a unique element with a wide range of use in all types of interiors and with good resistance to mechanical scratching.

INTERNORM-OKNO, s.r.o., for the I-tec ventilation representing a local, fully automated recuperation unit integrated into a window with the control of temperature and humidity suitable for flats and family houses.


NIBE ENERGY SYSTEMS for the heat pump “NIBE F2120” of the air-water type with a high value of the seasonal heating factor, high temperature and silent operation.

Saint-Gobain Construction Products CZ, a.s., Rigips Division, for Habito, a plasterboard panel with extreme strength for construction of the Interior walls and partitions. The board has a high load-bearing capacity and good acoustic characteristics.



The HONOURABLE MENTIONS were awarded to the following firms:

BERNDORF BÄDERBAU, s.r.o., for the massage whirlpool for a horse representing an extension of production of classical swimming pools and water attractions with rehabilitation equipment for horses, which also ensures the extension of their life and guarantees a life quality improvement.


Czech Technical University in Prague for the rolling fluid bladeless turbine which is useable for marginal parameters of the gradient and flow rate in the places where conventional turbines are not able to work in an effective manner.

ELEKTRODESIGN ventilátory, spol. s r.o., for ECOAIR Design Ecowatt - a small radial fan with a possibility of the setting up of a constant air flow rate, which automatically adapts power output according to the given installation conditions.


Hein & spol. - keramické závody, spol. s r.o., for the tile fireplace SOLID - a freestanding fireplace using wood as its fuel and equipped with an accumulation exchanger and a body made of glazed large-format tiles.


PIEDRA UNO, a.s., for the floating paving system PIEDRA which is formed of resistant plastic parts with the system of locks and surface of marble or stone carpet. It can be applied to any flat subbase firm area.



Schiedel, s.r.o., for Schiedel KombiGas - an integrated chimney system for ventilation of flue gas from various consumers using solid and gaseous fuels, with an air inlet and a shaft for vertical duct systems.


Results of the competition for the most impressive exposition - TOP EXPO 2016:

On the occasion of the FOR ARCH, FOR STAV, FOR THERM, FOR WOOD and BAZÉNY, SAUNY & SPA Trade Fairs, there was organised also a competition for the most impressive exposition known as TOP EXPO. In the competition, there were awarded altogether 7 most impressive expositions, which are at the same time also highly functional and meet the criteria for communication with the customer. All expositions of the trade fairs in categories up to 60 m2 and above 60 m2 were assessed.

Concerning the category up to 60 m2, the prizes were awarded to GOLDBECK Prefabeton s.r.o., PALIS Plzeň, spol. s r.o. and Krbystyle, s.r.o.

Concerning the category above 60 m2, the prizes were awarded to HELUZ cihlářský průmysl v.o.s., PRESBETON Nova, s.r.o. and ISOTRA a.s.

The Honourable Mention was awarded to TOP EXPO TWIN s.r.o.


The FOR ARCH 2016 Trade Fair is opening its gates just today!

The twenty-eighth edition of the largest International Building Trade Fair in the Czech Republic is opening its gates for visitors this afternoon. The FOR ARCH Trade Fair is held at the PVA EXPO PRAGUE Exhibition Centre and will last till Saturday, 24 September. More than eight hundred exhibitors from fifteen countries of the world will present there the latest trends from the field of the building industry on an exhibition area of almost 21,000 square metres.

Within the framework of the accompanying programme it is furthermore possible to attend specialised conferences with participation of leading personalities in the sector, important nation-wide architectonic competitions as well as a practical programme for entrepreneurs and the general public.  A great innovation compared to previous editions is given by various daily topics - quality of products, energy performance management, professional education, smart house concepts and self-built house constructions. Newly it will be possible to use also the independent BUILDING ADVISORY CENTRE where professionals will provide, free of charge, useful advice within the framework of the daily topics focused on the ways of how to manage various construction issues. In terms of additional topics, FOR ARCH will be complemented by the accompanying trade fairs FOR STAV, FOR THERM, FOR WOOD and BAZÉNY, SAUNY & SPA.


The FOR ARCH Trade Fair will start this afternoon by the largest CONFERENCE OF DIRECTORS OF DESIGN COMPANIES 2016 in the Czech Republic, where it is possible to listen to such speakers as Andrej Babiš, Minister of Finance; Karla Šlechtová, Minister for Regional Development; and Richard Brabec, Minister of the Environment. Another interesting part of the programme will be, in the subsequent days, for example the lecture entitled HEATING AND VENTILATION IN MODERN SAVING BUILDINGS, the conference FIRE SAFETY OF CONSTRUCTIONS and popular B2B business negotiations known as MATCHMAKING BUSINESS MEETINGS. Precious information will be provided to visitors by such conferences as HOW TO PURCHASE HOUSING and SELF-BUILT HOUSE CONSTRUCTION. For the first time it will be possible this year to use services of the CONSULTANCY CENTRE FOR WINDOWS AND SHADING TECHNOLOGIES which is to be open for the entire time of the event.

The most serious problem of wood as a building element is its relatively high combustibility

Directors of designing companies consider the relatively high combustibility of wood to be the most serious disadvantage of the building use of wood. On the other hand, the possibility of mould attacks causes the least concern. This conclusion implies from the analysis which was prepared by the analytical company “CEEC Research” for the International Building Trade Fair FOR ARCH.


The main disadvantage of the wood as a building element is its relatively high combustibility, according to directors of the designing companies. More than one half of them (53 per cent) shared this view in their answers. Concerning the remaining part of respondents, the most serious problems of the use of wood are, in their opinion, its limited lifetime (17 per cent of directors), humidity issues (16 per cent of directors) and pest attacks (13 per cent of directors). Only an absolute minimum (1 per cent) had concerns about increased occurrence of moulds as the main disadvantage. Major differences appeared in the answers of representatives of the companies dealing with preparation of engineering constructions. Higher combustibility compared to other materials is the main disadvantage of the building use of wood for two thirds of them (65 per cent), while less than one tenth had concerns about the limited lifetime (7 per cent).


On Tuesday, 20 September, the first of the daily topics of the Building Trade Fair FOR ARCH, which is to be held from 20 to 24 September at the PVA EXPO PRAGUE Exhibition Centre, will be prepared for those interested - namely the issues of quality of products and materials, including the rating figures. During the course of the event, the visitors will learn how attestations and certifications of products and materials are carried out, in what way building products are assessed, what is necessary to do for successful placement on the market of a product and how this important topic is resolved in legal regulations and European standards. Besides this, an independent BUILDING CONSULTANCY CENTRE (SPC) will be prepared for visitors in the ENTRANCE HALL II, where specialised experts are to answer various questions from the field of the building industry free of charge.




Lecture on wellness and SPA in Italian style and design

This year's conference will be a unique event as it will present the Italian style and design in the world of wellness and SPA. Come and see the HOTEL WELLNESS & SPA Conferenece which will be held within the BAZÉNY, SAUNY & SPA trade fair on 20-24 September 2016 in Prague. The event will present MARIO SANTINI, a remarkable Italian architect who has been engaged for many years in designing and construction of wellness centres. Mario Santini is an enthusiastic professional with passion for relaxation, namely saunas. He is the founder and president of the Italian Sauna Association. He actively takes part in sauna ceremonials as a sauna master, and this is not his first time in the Czech Republic – he is an avid participant of many events that are held here. Among sauna professionals and the enlightened public, he is popular due to his taking part in the top sauna contests, such as SaunaFest or Sauna Herbal Cup. Owing to his passion for wellness and saunas, he seeks to connect architecture with wellness, and it is on this topic that he is having his lecture within the conference. For more information (and for registration to the conference), visit

Do not forget to register to free B2B Business meetings at FOR ARCH 2016!

Do not miss Matchmaking Business Meetings FOR ARCH 2016, free B2B Business meetings for all interested companies,buyers, or individuals from the construction field taking place on 22 September 2016 at FOR ARCH in the Congress hall in the Entrance hall II.


Are you doing business in the building industry and are you looking for new contacts on the European market, are you thinking about extension of your activities to the Czech Republic? Are you looking for new business partners, local distributors or vendors?


ABF together with the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) at the Centre for Regional Development of the Czech Republic invite you to bilateral business meetings with European entrepreneurs.


Please come and use this opportunity for finding new business contacts. The meetings planned will take place during all the day, individual meetings last for 20 minutes. You can find more information about the event also in the Press Release on Matchmaking FOR ARCH from 2015 here or on the web site of the Trade Fair


Deadline for registration: 31 August 2016

Registration fees: participation free of charge

The web site of the event where you can find profiles of already registred paricipants.


Application form


For more information please contact Ing. Eva Hrubešová, tel. 234 006 232, e-mail:

Recuperation units are required by almost three quarters of customers of design companies

Prague, 29 August 2016 – Almost three quarters of customers of design companies require inclusion of a recuperation unit during preparation of constructions. The situation is, however, rather different at firms dealing especially with engineering constructions where they are required for one fifth of designs only. These conclusions imply from the analysis which was prepared for the International Building Trade Fair FOR ARCH by the analytical company “CEEC Research”.


The inclusion of recuperation units during preparation of new constructions is required, according to directors of design companies, by almost three quarters of customers (72 per cent). In one third of cases (33 per cent) the matter concerns residential constructions and in two fifths of cases (39 per cent) it concerns non-residential premises. Two fifths of customers (39 per cent) do not require inclusion of recuperation units. In the case of design companies dealing especially with building constructions, the interest is even still higher and in residential buildings, recuperation units are required by 40 per cent of customers, whereas in non-residential buildings it is 43 per cent of customers that require them. A very large deviation from the average values is stated by companies dealing with engineering constructions where customers require installation of recuperation units only in non-residential buildings (18 per cent) and the entire four fifths (82 per cent) are not interested in recuperation units.

Wednesday, 21 September, will be focused, within the framework of individual daily topics of the FOR ARCH Building Trade Fair, which is to be held on 20-24 September at the PVA EXPO PRAGUE Exhibition Centre, on management of energy performance of buildings and ventilation concepts. In the course of the trade fair it will be also possible to visit a specialised lecture entitled “Heating and Ventilation in Modern Saving Buildings”, where customers will be able to get themselves familiar, in a detailed way, with issues of energy efficient constructions. The explanation will be focused on the use of alternative energy resources and will present solutions based on solar heating and cooling, use of biomass in buildings, heat pumps, possibly with the use of energy of the surrounding environment. The topic of savings that can be achieved during the actual operation will not be missing either. Besides the above mentioned events, an independent BUILDING CONSULTANCY CENTRE (SPC) will be prepared for visitors at the ENTRANCE HALL II, where the experts will answer your questions from the field of construction activities free of charge.

The FOR ARCH Trade Fair to introduce a comfort and environment-friendly digital household of the future

This year’s edition of the International Building Trade Fair FOR ARCH, which is to be held at the end of September in Prague-Letňany, has chosen, as one of the current topics, also the so-called “smart house” which is able, through its structure and technologies used, to ensure maximum comfort and energy-efficient environment for the people living there. A special ELEKTRO section will be reserved in the hall number 4 to the firms which are active in this sector. The general partner of the International Building Trade Fair FOR ARCH 2016 is the ČEZ group.


Friday, 23 September, will belong, in this year’s concept of various daily topics at the FOR ARCH Building Trade Fair, which is to be held on 20-24 September at the PVA EXPO PRAGUE Exhibition Centre, to the “Smart House” topic. A smart house ensures optimum and comfort environment for people living in such a house, in terms of its structure, used technologies and control systems. It is highly effective in terms of economy, energy consumption as well as from the viewpoint of impacts on its external environment and enables a multi-purpose use and reconfiguration. Its description often uses also such terms as “digital household”, “digital house” or “intelligent house”.


A properly prepared design is very important for implementation of a smart house. Its heart consists of a central system which helps, through modular infrastructure and individual active elements, to automate the operation of the entire household. Its control is very intuitive and it can be used for the control of e.g. air conditioning, shading, hot water preparation, irrigation, communication, distribution of TV and video signals, radio and music, telephones as well as the Internet. An important factor is the optimum and effective control of thermal technology and ventilation, thanks to which it achieves large energy savings. A matter-of-course is then connection of all illumination to the central system in such a way that it responds to your activities in a fully natural way. A smart house takes care also of household safety and provides you, at any time and anywhere, an overview of its current state, including alarms, fire sensors and camera systems. The system is also able to simulate living at absence, by using the pre-programmed activation of lights.


The visitors who are interested in this sector of the building industry should not miss the special ELEKTRO section in the hall no. 4, which has registered, in recent years, a growing interest in presentation of firms, especially from the fields of electrical installations, intelligent housing and lighting technology. It is traditionally attended by the LEGRAND company, the world leader in the area of electrotechnical installations and digital infrastructure offering almost 200,000 products from the field of illumination control, heating and data network administration, by the company HDL Automation s.r.o. supplying individual modules, as well as complete automation systems of buildings, and by ELKO EP, s.r.o., which is genuinely a Czech specialist focused on electronic modular instruments – relays, manufacturing more than 200 types of these products.


At present, ČEZ is not just a supplier of energies but also of comprehensive energy management solutions for households, which we are to introduce at the FOR ARCH Trade Fair in an entertaining way,” says Pavel Cyrani, Director of the Business Division of the ČEZ Group. “We have equipped a mobile household with them, and in September we will make a tour of Czech towns with this mobile household, and one of our stops will be just FOR ARCH.” The saving household of the future from ČEZ, which is to be presented at the trade fair, includes photovoltaic panels on the roof, together with batteries for the storage of electricity, modern gas boilers and white consumers, heat pumps for heating as well as air conditioning, in a combination with building materials of the 21st century, which are supplied by Saint-Gobain.

FOR ARCH to support building trades and establishment of cooperation with foreign companies

One of the core topics of this year’s FOR ARCH Trade Fair, which is to be held at the end of September at the PVA EXPO PRAGUE Exhibition Centre, will be the support of vocational training. The final round of the competition presentation of building trades and crafts known as SUSO will take place within the framework of this approach as well. This event will be accompanied also by another edition of the popular bilateral business negotiations known as MATCHMAKING BUSINESS MEETINGS and by the conference of directors of European Craft Chambers. Already in a few days, on Thursday, 2 June, the conference CROSSROADS OF ARCHITECTURE will be held in the National Technical Museum in Prague focused on the topic “Cultural landscape: changes, creation, protection”.


The International Building Trade Fair FOR ARCH is a project with an all-year-round impact aimed at support of the building industry as a whole. The top event of the season is the actual trade fair which is to be held also this year at the PVA EXPO PRAGUE Exhibition Centre on 20-24 September, and this year it will be for the first time when the concepts of various daily topics focused on important trends of the contemporaneous building industry is to be presented there.


One of these topics will be the support of vocational training this year, and within the framework of its popularisation also the final round of the competition presentation of building trades and crafts (SUSO) will take place. Since the arising of this competition in 1996, more than 4,500 selected apprentices accompanied by more than 1,700 teachers have taken part in the competition. Every year on average 80 schools present the art of their apprentices at this competition. The four-day final round of the competition will concern especially such branches as bricklayer, carpenter, stone cutter and stone sculptor, but at the same time the competition may include also such crafts as dry construction fitter, roofer, upholsterer and others who may present their skills there. Young apprentices must pass both theoretical and practical examinations within the framework of this Czechoslovak project. The participants will receive specific tasks for the practical part in the form of technical drawings from the Professional Jury immediately before the beginning of the examination.


Another very interesting event will be held on Thursday, 22 September, when the fourth edition of the popular bilateral business negotiations known as MATCHMAKING BUSINESS MEETINGS are to be organised. On this occasion, entrepreneurs active in the building industry will be able to find new contacts on the European market and to establish cooperation with foreign companies. The trade fair nomenclature will mostly concern design and building activities, tile setting and walling works, heating, chimney assemblies, surface protection, automation for the industry and households, as well as maintenance and modernisation of building structures, including renovation of monuments. Preparation of these popular B2B negotiations is ensured by ABF, a.s., together with the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) at the Centre for Regional Development of the Czech Republic. Other details and the registration form can be found by the Applicants on the web site On the same day, also the Conference of Directors of the European Craft Chambers known as Saxon-Czech Craft Dialogue 2016 will be held as well.


Before the FOR ARCH Trade Fair opens its gates to visitors, those interested in the building industry and architecture may visit already the eighth edition of the conference entitled CROSSROADS OF ARCHITECTURE focused on the topic “Cultural landscape:changes_creation_protection”, which is to be held already on the 2nd June in the National Technical Museum in Prague. It will deal especially with development and protection of the cultural landscape, systems of residential greenery and urban landscape, it will analyse the issues of the drawing of subsidies for improvement of the quality of landscape and it will present several domestic as well as foreign case studies. The programme will include also the speech of Karla Šlechtová, Minister for Regional Development; Pavla Melková, Director of the “Urban Detail” section, IPR Prague; Klára Salzmann, Member of the Board of Directors of the Czech Chamber of Architects; Dan Jiránek from the Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic, Leoš Anderle from the Sekyra Group specialised in development activities. As far as the discussion panel focused on subsidy programmes is concerned, participants may look forward to Pavel Sekáč, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, and Tomáš Sklenář, Director of the Land Planning Department of the Ministry of Regional Development.


Rich accompanying programme of FOR ARCH 2016

The 27th FOR ARCH International Building Trade Fair will take place on 20-24 September 2016 at the PVA EXPO PRAGUE exhibition centre. For the first time in its history, it will present a different daily topic for each day of the event. Visitors will thus be able to learn about the issue of product and material quality, energy efficiency of buildings, ventilation systems, professional training in the construction sector, the “smart building” phenomenon and self-made construction work. Professionals at the CONSULTANCY CENTRE will give visitors expert advice according to the daily topic. Within its exposition, the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic will provide information on state-funded subsidies.

The FOR ARCH presentation in Spain a big success

The FOR ARCH presentation in Spain a big success

We would like to thank everybody who visited the booth of FOR ARCH at the CEVISAMA trade fair in Valencia, Spain, where the FOR ARCH trade fair was presented within the cooperation between FERIA VALENCIA and PVA EXPO PRAGUE.


We are pleased that new foreign exhibitors and business partners expressed a desire to take part in FOR ARCH, which proves that the scope of the largest Czech construction trade fair is getting increasingly international. Go see the event for yourself on 20-24 September 2016 at the PVA EXPO PRAGUE exhibition centre in Prague, Czech Republic. The 27th FOR ARCH building trade fair will be accompanied by an extensive accompanying programme and numerous lectures and seminars. 


More than 6 months prior to its opening, the FOR THERM trade fair witnesses an unprecedented interest on the part of exhibitors

The HVAC sector is on the rise in the Czech Republic as the government continues to financially support installations of new, more ecological heat sources through a system of subsidies and allocation of EU funding resources. This is why both businesses and end clients are willing to invest in new heating and AC systems. And this is why now, half a year before the event takes place, the FOR THERM trade fair witnesses an unprecedented interest of companies seeking to exhibit at the trade fair.

The 2016 FOR THERM, the 7th trade fair for heating, alternative sources of energy and air conditioning, will be held on 20-24 September 2016 in Prague's largest exhibition centre. Co-located with FOR ARCH, the largest and longest-standing Czech construction exhibition, FOR THERM annually presents solutions and presentations of leading companies of the HVAC sector. In 2015, the set of concurrent exhibitions was visited by more than 74,000 visitors and attended by 830 exhibitors from 13 different countries, which makes it the top event of the building industry in the Czech Republic.

Due to its location in Prague, an important hub of Central-European business, FOR THERM is a unique opportunity for both domestic and foreign exhibitors to present their services and products within an international competition. If you want to address the Czech region, FOR THERM is the one place you need to meet new partners, dealers, suppliers and customers.

REHVA grants auspices to FOR THERM

REHVA, the Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations, has granted patronage to the 2016 FOR THERM trade fair. REHVA is a leading authority within the European HVAC sector,

The fact that this is a second time in a row that REHVA has granted auspices to FOR THERM proves that FOR THERM can easily compete with the top HVAC exhibitions in Europe. To further strengthen the international scope of the event, a set of organized B2B meetings entitled Matchmaking Business Meetings will be held. The meetings are designed to help international participants to introduce themselves on the Czech market and to find new business partners, suppliers, manufacturers, producers and wholesalers.

For Exhibitors - FOR THERM

DATE: 6–8 February 2025


Address: Beranovych 667, 199 00, Prague 9 - Czech republic


3.– 5. 2. 2025, 8.00 a.m. - 10.00 p.m. (Monday - Wednesday)



8. 2. 2025, 5.00 p.m. NONSTOP till 9. 2. 2025, 10.00 a.m. (Saturday - Sunday)





NOTE: Please send the signed forms to the Foreign Trade Departmentr at or to the adsress of ABF, a.s.: Delnicka 12, 170 00, Prague 7, Czech Republic.

Water heating costs hundreds of EUR. Learn how to save money at the FOR THERM fair

Czech people are thrifty when it comes to heating. But as far as water heating is concerned, they are less economical, even though heating of water comprises a large portion of a household's yearly energy expenses. The average four-member family uses 73 cubic meters of water each year (i.e. 50 liters of water per person each day). Heating of such an amount of water costs hundreds of EUR, depending on the heating source and on the habits of the family. It is important to take into consideration all the financial parameters and consequences of the individual solutions when you are choosing your water heating system. New technologies will be presented by both Czech and foreign manufacturers at the FOR THERM trade fair, which will take place on 15-19 September, 2015, in the PVA EXPO PRAGUE exhibition center in Letnany, Prague, Czech Republic. Professionals in the fields of heating, AC, chimney systems and alternative energy sources will take part in the concurrent conference.   (12.2.2015)   read more >>

The 2015 FOR ARCH trade fair under the auspices of the President of the Czech Republic

The 26th annual FOR ARCH, the most attended Czech building trade fair, which will take place in September 2015 at the PVA EXPO PRAGUE fairground, will be exceptional. The event will be held under the auspices of Milos Zeman, the President of the Czech Republic; Bohuslav Sobotka, the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic; and Milan Stech, the President of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. These auspices are yet another evidence that the FOR ARCH trade fair is the top event of the Czech building industry.  

B2B meetings at FOR ARCH will open the European construction market to Czech companies

The FOR ARCH international building trade fair is taken to a new level this year. Besides exhibition area, on which companies can primarily address end customers, FOR ARCH now offers participation in events that enable construction companies to expand their business to the Czech Republic as well as abroad. This year, Matchmaking Business Meetings (MBM) and the third edition of Matchmaking FOR ARCH will connect accredited attendants with both Czech and foreign exhibitors through a set of organized meetings. FOR ARCH, the largest trade fair of the building industry which takes place on Sept 15-19, 2015, offers this opportunity to Czech exporters for free.

The FOR ARCH figures are newly audited by Amasia Expo

As part of further internationalization of the largest Czech construction trade fair, the figures of FOR ARCH are now audited by Amasia Expo, a UFI-authorized auditing agency, which has successfully audited the 2014 edition of the fair. FOR ARCH thus continues to confirm its status of an international event and to further expand its foreign business activities. The FOR ARCH trade fair is now newly represented also in Austria, Lithuania and China.  

The FOR ARCH figures are newly audited by Amasia Expo

As part of further internationalization of the largest Czech construction trade fair, the figures of FOR ARCH are now audited by Amasia Expo, a UFI-authorized auditing agency, which has successfully audited the 2014 edition of the fair. FOR ARCH thus continues to confirm its status of an international event and to further expand its foreign business activities. The FOR ARCH trade fair is now newly represented also in Austria, Lithuania and China.  

The FOR ARCH figures are newly audited by Amasia Expo

As part of further internationalization of the largest Czech construction trade fair, the figures of FOR ARCH are now audited by Amasia Expo, a UFI-authorized auditing agency, which has successfully audited the 2014 edition of the fair. FOR ARCH thus continues to confirm its status of an international event and to further expand its foreign business activities. The FOR ARCH trade fair is now newly represented also in Austria, Lithuania and China.

FOR THERM, a trade fair for heating, alternative sources of energy and AC, gains support of REHVA, the Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and AC Associations

REHVA represents more than 100.000 engineers from 26 European countries and helps the FOR THERM trade fair one more step further in 2015. As part of the cooperation, the 6th annual FOR THERM is included in the official list of REHVA, and REHVA will, from its position of a professional partner, take part in preparation of the accompanying program, which will be attended among others by prof. Ing. Karel Kabele, CSc., the president of REHVA. The main topic of the 2015 FOR ARCH is Energy Efficiency of Buildings, and FOR THERM follows with its topic Efficiency of Heating. We believe that this cooperation will yield new perspectives on the given topic.   (6.1.2015)   read more >>

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